Diffondiamo l’invito del nostro partner alla 14ª edizione della World Schools Debate Academy (WSDA).
Alcuni punti che sottolineamo:
Quando: La 14ª edizione della World Schools Debate Academy (WSDA) si terrà dal 25 giugno al 2 luglio 2023 a Kranjska Gora, Slovenia.
Organizzatore: Za in proti, zavod za kulturo dialoga/Pro et contra, Institute for culture of dialogue.
Obiettivo: La WSDA si concentra principalmente sul formato di dibattito World Schools, offrendo corsi intensivi e attivi per studenti dai 13 ai 18 anni, sia principianti che esperti.
Percorso British Parliamentary Debate: Vi sarà un percorso dedicato ai debaters in transizione tra scuola superiore e università, per prepararli al dibattito universitario.
Percorso per insegnanti e coach: Vi sarà un percorso specifico per chi desidera utilizzare le tecniche di dibattito come metodo attivo in classe e/o avviare un club di dibattito nella propria scuola.
Partecipanti: persone provenienti da tutto il mondo.
Alloggio: L’evento si terrà presso l’Hotel Kompas a Kranjska Gora, con sistemazione in camere multiple e servizi inclusi come Wi-Fi, piscina e palestra.
Registrazione: La registrazione è aperta sia per gruppi che per singoli, con un costo di 650,00 EUR che copre alloggio, pasti, materiali di formazione, Wi-Fi, piscina ed escursioni.
Scadenze: La registrazione si chiuderà a metà aprile, mentre il pagamento dovrà essere effettuato entro il 15 maggio tramite bonifico bancario. La registrazione anticipata è importante per chi necessita di un visto.
Contatti: Per ulteriori informazioni e domande, è possibile contattare gli organizzatori tramite la pagina Facebook “World Schools Debate Academy” o all’indirizzo e-mail zainprotiakademija@gmail.com .
Pubblichiamo di seguito il comunicato in inglese di Za in Proti.
25 June – 2 July 2023, Kranjska Gora, Slovenia
Dear all,
We are very happy to announce that World Schools Debate Academy Slovenia is going to happen again in Kranjska Gora in the summer of 2023, https://kranjska-gora.si/en/attractions After 11 in-person and 2 online editions, attended by more than 2000 debaters, teachers and trainers from all over the world, we are back with an in-person WSDA 2023!
Za in proti, zavod za kulturo dialoga/Pro et contra, Institute for culture of dialogue kindly invites you to the 14h International Worlds Schools Debate Academy in beautiful Kranjska Gora, Slovenia, from June 25th– July 2nd 2023.
The training part of the WSDA brings lectures, exercises, debate and content electives and practice debates. The participants will be divided into different groups on the basis of their experience – from beginners to really advanced ones. There is also going to be a tournament on the last day.
WSDA’s main focus is on Worlds Schools Debate Format targeting STUDENTS from 13 to 18. They can be experienced debaters or complete beginners or anything in between. The training is very intense and very active, with a lot of interactive practice in small groups with excellent international trainers.
There will be a special British Parliamentary Debate Format track organized for debaters in transition from high school to university in order to prepare them for university debate.
TEACHERS, COACHES, ETC. TRACK We have a special track for everybody who would like to use debate techniques as an active classroom method and/or start a debate club at their schools. Teachers at different levels of education, from different subject areas, debate coaches, trainers, judges, organizers, youth workers, former high school debaters preparing for their coaching or judging roles, etc. are all kindly invited.
In the last few years, Za in proti participated in several Erasmus+ projects which all had a main focus of developing different materials for debate coaches and debaters who work in debate clubs. Several of those projects also dealt with using debate techniques as an active method in the classroom when teaching different subjects. Exercises, lesson plans and handbooks developed within these projects will be part of this track.
The previous WSDAs usually had around 200 participants, coming from the following countries: Bahrain, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Canada, China, Croatia, Czech Republic, Finland, Germany, Great Britain, Honk Kong, India, Italy, Israel, Japan, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Malaysia, Moldova, Pakistan, Palestine, Poland, Peru, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, the United Arab Emirates, USA, Venezuela.
Please check the information about past WSDA at https://www.facebook.com/worldschoolsdebateacademy/ where you can also follow all the updates and ask questions.
WSDA HOTELS We will be accommodated in Hotel Kompas https://www.hit-alpinea.si/en/kompas-hotel, in 2, 3 and 4-bed rooms. In addition to training and debate venues, the hotels also offer free wi-fi, free pool, gym and sport fields for different ball games and buffet-type meals with a lot of different choices.
REGISTRATION is now open!
You can register as a group or individually. WSDA staff members will make sure that anybody coming by themselves will feel comfortable and included. We strongly encourage everybody to register as soon as possible because the spots are limited. We would like to close the registration in the middle of April. Early registration is even more important for everybody who needs a visa as it might take a long time before it is processed.
Registration fee is:
650,00 EUR (covers 7 nights/3 buffet-type meals, training costs and material, WI-FI, pool, excursions).
Be aware there might be some costs connected for the ones who will need a visa (costs connected with preparation and mailing the original visa invitation letter).
PAYMENT needs to be done by May 15th via bank transfer. IN April we will start sending the invoices to all registered participants.
We would appreciate it a lot if you pass the information about WSDA 2023 to your debate community or any other young person, youth worker or educator who might be interested. If you have any additional questions, please, feel free to contact us at https://www.facebook.com/worldschoolsdebateacademy/ or zainprotiakademija@gmail.com
Looking forward to hosting you in Kranjska Gora,
Za in proti, zavod za kulturo dialoga/Pro et contra, Institute for culture of dialogues
WSDA is an international Worlds Schools Debate training program for debaters, teachers, coaches and judges running since 2009, organised by Slovenian national debate organisation Za in proti, zavod za kulturo dialoga/Pro et contra, Institute of culture of dialogue, www.zainproti.si